Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hello...My name is: Glutton for Punishment

To anyone out there reading this I must warn you of something right now. I'm not a blogger. I'm a serial quitter when it comes to stuff like this and I seem to always stop right when I begin to get a rhythm going with my writing. I want to say that won't happen this time, but if there is one thing I have learned, it's that nothing in life is certain.
So how did this come about? How did I end up creating yet another e-mail address to create yet another blog? Well it all began in my dorm room...

I write to clear my head. I'm not a big verbal communicator. I have thoughts pent up in my head like animals at a farm and they can't seem to travel from my brain to my lips. The lips are always bipassed and the hands receive all the thoughts directly from the brain to transmit to paper...or in this Anyway, I started a journal where I would write a poem a day. I don't share my poetry really with anyone, but I let my good friend Alexis read one of my poems and she suggested I should start a blog.

So I did. And this is it. Welcome.

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