Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sugar, Spice, and A Side of Spanakopita

I guess I should start by telling you a few interesting things about myself. Interesting is in the eye of the beholder...just remember that...

1. I hate trying new things. 
This is probably why I've always had such a difficult time starting a blog. It's something new, and foreign. Take me to a new restaurant and I'm totally out of my element. Drive me to a new city and I feel like a child who has been lost in a department store without their parents for days on end. Ask me to try a new hairstyle and I will take weeks debating and looking at pictures until I finally decide that I'm going to take the some point. I'm not adventurous. I'm not an explorer. I'm safe.

2. Ice cream bars with the wooden stick gross me out.
Obviously a necessary piece of information you need to know before proceeding. I know this seems so strange, but literally wooden sticks gross me out so much. As a kid I would freak out at the doctor's office when they would try to use the tongue depressor on me to look at the back of my throat. I was sick...a this was a frequent occurrence. Why would I want that memory spoiling something as wonderful as ice cream by having that terrible wooden stick touch my tongue. ughhhh!

3. Doctors are my worst enemy. 
The last post got me thinking about my hatred of all things medicine. I hate doctors. I hate doctors offices. I hate the drive to the doctors. I hate the wait at the doctors. And I hate the procedures at the doctors. I understand they are sort of necessary for our survival, but they freak me out. And being the hypochondriac that I am it doesn't help. I get a minor headache and suddenly I have a brain tumor. My leg itches and I'm having a severe allergic reaction to something I ate. My nose is stuffy and I just KNOW that I'm eventually going to stop breathing and have to be rushed to the hospital. And the reason I hate doctors? They are the ones who would confirm my deepest fears of the diseases I potentially could have. It's an interesting life I live.

4. I think I'm on the CIA's stalker list because of my obsession about the Kennedy family.
Okay, maybe that's a slight exaggeration, but seriously I love them. All of them. I know there is scandal and tragedy and mystery surrounding them, but that's what makes them so intriguing. I want to be Jackie O. She is the epitome of class, poise, elegance and sophistication. I love that she was a journalist. I love that she married a man involved with politics. I loved that she grew up a New England girl and later became a New York lady.

5. I've been lying to myself for years about my career path.
At 5 I wanted to be a Paleontologist. (Yes...I would say that exact profession at five).
At 10 I wanted to be a Medical Researcher (I was convinced I was going to find the cure to cancer).
At 15 I wanted to be a Prosecuting Criminal Attorney (Saying "lawyer" was too simple).
At 20 I wanted to be a History Teacher (Hence my major).
And now at 25 I know I will become a teacher, but I finally realize that all along what I really wanted to be a was a news journalist. I love writing. I love current events. It would have been perfect.
In my dreams if I was good at math and art and computers I would have been an architect.

6. I love the cold.
It can be freezing outside and I'll have my window open. I'll be the girl wearing flip flops in the snow and have the AC on in a blizzard. I love bundling up in warm winter clothes and sitting by a fireplace drinking hot chocolate. I love the events that come along with the cold. Snow. Christmas lights. Tree lightings. Presents. Family. Boots. Coats. Gloves. Scarves.

7. I would live in PJ's if I could.
No, it's not a lazy thing. It's a comfort thing.'s a little laziness too, I guess. I love being comfortable. I love flannel and loose fitting clothes that I can relax in. I hate feeling confined.

8. I'm awkwardly introverted in big groups of people.
Stand me in front of a group of strangers and I can give a speech without blinking an eye. Ask me to teach a lesson to a group of high school students and I'll be excited at the opportunity to get up and talk to people I don't know. Put me in a group of people I know at a party and I become the most awkward person alive. Suddenly I don't know what to say or how to say it or what to do with my body. Am I standing weird? Maybe I should sit? Where? Umm maybe I'll walk over to the table and get a cracker....and then stand there for a minute and look around and coyly laugh at a joke that was told across the room.

9. I've never had a lot of friends.
I'm sure by now you've read the above facts about me and you're thinking, "Well no kidding you've never had a lot of friends. You're weird." Maybe that's true. I feel like I've always been an old soul. I've never connected with people my age. I was raised by my parents and spent considerable time with my grandparents and I was never around other kids. I was destined to be an adult before my time. I've been bullied. I've lost friends I thought I'd always have. But everyone comes into your life for a reason. And maybe they walk out of your life for a reason too.

10. I wish my life had a soundtrack.
It would consist of The Beatles, Billy Joel, Elton John, Eric Clapton, Kelly Clarkson, Taylor Swift, Adele, Carrie Underwood and maybe a little rap thrown in for some unexpected flavor ;)

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