Monday, August 4, 2014

the annual cycle

apparently i'm into giving things up for a year and then going back to them. this is my newest discovery about the array of random that classifies who i am as a person. it looks like my last post on here was a year ago in july and here i am back here in august a year later. okay, so it's been a year a half...

blogging hasn't been the only thing that's recently come back into my life though. i got rid of my instagram last summer and then, with the help of my friend, decided to get it back a week ago. i've fallen deep into the depths of instagram obsession. every cloud, rock, bird soaring, dew encrusted leaf is potential for my next post. watch out everyone, you, or your dog, or your fence could be next. speaking of instagram, it actually kind of cracks me up. take a look at some of the comments people use to caption their photos. "Radiating happiness" with a picture of a girl running through a field who is slightly faded as the sun beams stream down and blind portions of the picture. And then, there's me..."It's been so long since I've had sushi" with a picture of my sushi roll and chopsticks "artistically" arranged. I guess I'm too much of a realist to conjure a caption about enlightenment with a picture of feet in front of a fireplace. I do enjoy looking at those pictures though. And I admire those people. They see the world as beautiful, breathtaking and harboring secrets that are yet to be unearthed. I see a field, probably filled with bugs and snakes hiding in the blades of grass. Their world is much more exciting than mine, and that's okay.
This is the sushi picture I was talking about.

So enough about instagram...the last time i was here i was getting my life ready to become a first year teacher. i had been substituting and loving all the crazy stories that came from my day to day experiences. well, folks, all i can say is that life can change on a dime. here i find myself a year later, no longer teaching, working in a field that i have never even been interested in, let alone studied, and preparing to take a test that could determine the rest of my life. no pressure at all. but that's the beauty of life, things change, and somehow you end up where you should have been all along. i really believe that God doesn't let you just float around aimlessly and fail. He makes sure that in the end, you are okay. thank goodness.

oh and just in case you are wondering, yes, i was a teacher for a year and yes, i did write this entire post in lowercase letters on purpose.

i'm a rebel....

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